Unlock performance with commissions transparency

CaptivateIQ’s rep experience gives sales teams enhanced visibility into past, current and future earnings, so they can minimize shadow accounting, increase productivity, and drive results.

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Boost motivation with transparency

2-3 Days

time spent by most sales managers in answering sales reps’ commission questions


of reps spend time recalculating their compensation statements to validate them


of reps agree having visibility into potential earnings on new deals would significantly improve motivation

Clear and comprehensive reporting

With customizable statements and dashboards, reps can trace their commission calculations and understand them in context — inspiring trust in their payouts and eliminating shadow accounting.

Intuitive homepage

Give your reps a jumping-off point into their commissions with an engaging dashboard that surfaces the insights they need to stay ahead of the game.

Customizable pay statements

Our automated, customizable, and engaging pay statements give reps peace of mind that their pay is accurate, and offer more clarity into commission calculation details with visualizations and data tables.

Plan documents always at their fingertips

Provide your reps with easy access to their plan agreements so they can feel clear and confident in what to expect. Reduce payout disputes and friction.

Performance insights
that motivate

CaptivateIQ gives reps real-time access to their commissions with interactive tools to keep driving results and minimize rep turnover.

What-if earnings calculator

Motivate reps with an interactive way to test scenarios and immediately see the impact on their forecasted earnings. Align rep behavior to your desired business outcomes.

Attainment leaderboards

Drive healthy competition and inspire your teams through out-of-the-box attainment metrics and leaderboards.

Custom dashboards

Knowledge is power when it comes to performance. Equip your sales team with even greater insight into their performance with fully customizable dashboards.

Team performance insights for managers

Give managers real-time insights and analytics so they can identify areas for improvement, optimize their team’s performance, and coach reps to success.

Simplify collaboration to increase productivity

Let your reps stay laser-focused on selling with tools that simplify their commission related to-do’s.

Centralized task management

Give reps easy access to their commission tasks like payout reviews and open inquiries directly from their landing page, so they always know when the ball is in their court.

Robust approval workflow

Set up automated, multi-level approvals that get emailed directly from our system, helping to ensure reps get paid accurately and on time.

Fast dispute resolution

Ease the dispute resolution process and refocus everyone on what drives business results.

Features & Functionality

Sales Rep Experience

Payee coach
Real-time visibility
Detailed payout statements
Calculation tracing
What-if earnings calculator 
Task management
Dispute resolution
Payout reviews
Attainment leaderboards
Plan documents
Payout trends
Email notifications
Mobile optimization
Salesforce iFrame

Manager Experience

My Team view
Team leaderboard
Team payouts
Team documents
Dispute resolution
Approval workflow
Coaching dashboards
Smart hierarchy visibility