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Getting Started with Captivate IQ: Your Modern ICM Implementation Guide

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Whether you’re moving on from the tedium of spreadsheets or upgrading from a legacy system, CaptivateIQ ticks all the right boxes for simplifying your ICM processes and helping your team 10x revenue performance.

But making the decision to bring CaptivateIQ into your sales performance management technology stack is only the first step – and you may be wondering what comes next, along with how much time and effort it will take on your part.

In this guide, we cover exactly what the CaptivateIQ implementation process looks like from start to finish, along with what you can expect from our Customer Experience team once you’re up and running. 

You’ll learn:

  • What the typical CaptivateIQ implementation timeline looks like and entails
  • The cornerstones of a successful partnership and implementation
  • How our team partners with you post-implementation to ensure continued success

Make commissions 10x better with CaptivateIQ

Talk to our in-house experts to learn how you can make commissions a strategic growth driver.

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