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Intro text here,
With custom blockquotes, I can add a bunch of optional fields. There's the intro text, and all sorts of information about the author. The coolest part is that any element is optional!
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Head of Placeholders
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Named a Strong Performer in “The Forrester Wave™: Sales Performance Management Platforms, Q1 2023”

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Improve Rep Transparency and Motivation with Our New Pay Statement Experience

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Amidst the Great Resignation and shift to remote work, incentive compensation has become increasingly important in hiring, motivating, and retaining the best reps. Competitive compensation is critical to success in these areas, but it’s equally important to understand what drives motivation. In other words, the commission check may be a symbol of achievement, but it’s the visibility into the why behind the numbers that reps want. Although CaptivateIQ has long enabled reps with a transparent statement experience, and comp admins with statement design flexibility, we’re always searching and listening for areas to optimize so we can deliver the most delightful commission experience. 

With this in mind, we’re excited to roll out a brand new look and feel to our rep statement experience, with a more flexible statement designer for comp admins to best serve their reps’ unique needs! Our team's been hard at work to completely redesign the visual layout and navigability of CaptivateIQ's statements to enable comp admins with more flexibility and customization, while delivering a transparent and engaging statement experience both parties trust and enjoy.

Digest important information faster

  1. New summary header - organize rep and plan details in one designated section
  2. Pagination - quickly access past and future statements with just a few clicks 
  3. Inquiries and downloads - these actions are easier to navigate to
  4. Summary table - organize and view multiple Period Groups in one table
  5. Hide/show info - collapse and expand sections to improve rep focus
  6. Language - shorten the learning curve with terminology that’s more familiar and intuitive
Commissions Statement
Commissions Statement

Enhanced chart visualizations

All charts and graphs are getting a makeover with colors and fonts that are: 

  • More approachable
  • More readable
  • Optimized in terms of color contrast
  • Accessible for colorblindness
Statement Visualizations
Statement Visualizations

Improved usability for data tables

  1. Search bar - reps can now quickly find specific deals using our search functionality   
  2. Tooltips - add column descriptions to explain what the reps are seeing
  3. Bolded columns - highlight specific metrics you want reps to focus on
  4. Font - increase readability across the data table experience with a tabular version of Open Sans
  5. Whitespace - cut down whitespace and avoid having to horizontally scroll through data tables
Data Tables
Data Tables

Additional labels for meter charts

We've made some visual improvements and added data labels to denote:

  • Percent Complete Indicator
  • Min Value Label
  • Max Value Label
  • Current Progress Value Label
  • Reference Line & Label
Meter Charts
Meter Charts

Get colorful with text sections

The statement text sections now include different style options to more clearly convey your message:

  • Default
  • Information
  • Call-Out
  • Success
  • Warning
  • Danger
Text Sections
Text Sections

Clearer approvals and review banners 

Asking someone to approve or review a statement is a critical part of the workflow. We’ve added an approval banner at the bottom of the statement that clarifies to the user that an action is being asked of them. This banner can be conveniently minimized and maximized while the statement is under review.

Approvals & Review Banners
Approvals and Review Banners

Reps are in <3 with their statements 

 "I love that I can see my compensation calculations upfront, and with a relatively easy to read breakdown available so I can compare my shadow accounting with what's being reported."  - Darren S., Account Executive, G2 Review

 "I love that you have full transparency and access to your commission status for the quarter." - James S., Business Development Representative, G2 Review

Customers can learn how to design a more impactful rep statement with these new product enhancements by visiting CaptivateIQ’s Knowledge Center.

Not a customer yet? Book a demo with one of our commissions experts to learn more about how to best delight your reps with statement transparency.

Only CaptivateIQ helps businesses drive true Return On Incentives

Talk to our commission plan experts to learn how you can make commissions a strategic growth driver.