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[Infographic] From Mundane to Motivating: 5 Trends Redefining Incentive Compensation Management

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From efficiency-led strategies replacing a "growth-at-all-costs" mindset to the growing influence of Generative AI in ICM (Incentive Compensation Management), the CaptivateIQ team recently identified five key trends that are redefining how high performing organizations are striking the right incentive compensation balance to more effectively motivate GTM (Go-to-Market) outcomes and 10x revenue results.

The infographic below highlights the most impactful insights, biggest takeaways, and hottest takes from each of those trends, helping today's incentive compensation professionals get ahead as they plan for this upcoming new year.

To learn more about how these five trends are impacting incentive compensation management today – and how you can incorporate them into your own 2024 planning and strategy – book a meeting with one of our ICM experts, and be sure to download the full report to get a deeper dive into each of the trends.

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