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The Future of Commission Management

October 26, 2023
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9am PT / 12pm ET

Sales compensation is often one of the biggest expenses for an organization. But due to its complexity, shared ownership, and reliance on flexible data, organizations are often forced into a “set it and forget it” mindset.

But as markets get more competitive and companies focus on a path to profitability, incentive compensation can and should be used as a strategic lever to hit revenue goals.

In this session, we’ll share data-driven hypotheses for where commissions are headed and highlight real-world examples of how best in class organizations are building for the future.You’ll walk away with:

  • Best practices on commission management to take back to your organization
  • How your compensation strategy can impact your path to profitability and your bottom line
  • How to build and maintain a compensation strategy that meets your needs today and scales for the future


CaptivateIQ elevates expert voices from within the company and invites top minds from the world of ICM and SPM to lend their outlook and perspectives.

Trevor Jett
Trevor Jett
Head of Enterprise Sales, CaptivateIQ
Jonathan Anderson
Jonathan Anderson
Enterprise Solutions Engineer, CaptivateIQ

Make commissions 10x better with CaptivateIQ

Talk to our in-house experts to learn how you can make commissions a strategic growth driver.

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