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Insights, Trends & Hot Takes: The 2024 State of Incentive Compensation Management

June 26, 2024
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What does the incentive compensation management landscape look like today, and where is it headed in the not-so-distant future?

Our team recently partnered with market research experts to get a pulse on the biggest challenges and opportunities faced by today’s ICM professionals, as well as the most intriguing trends in the space (we’re looking at you, AI).

Join us to hear from industry experts and CaptivateIQ CEO, Mark Schopmeyer, on the most interesting insights and key takeaways from our 2024 State of ICM report. 

Tune in to learn: 

  • How to tackle the top challenges faced by today’s ICM leaders
  • Top ways to improve business impact, including strategic initiatives and reporting
  • Practical advice for how to apply the survey findings to your own role managing incentive compensation


CaptivateIQ elevates expert voices from within the company and invites top minds from the world of ICM and SPM to lend their outlook and perspectives.

Mark Schopmeyer
Mark Schopmeyer
Co-CEO & Co-Founder, CaptivateIQ
Rosalyn Santa Elena
Rosalyn Santa Elena
Founder, The RevOps Collective
Matt Curl
Matt Curl
Former SVP, General Manager, Checkr

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